Unsolicited JUNK FAXES
Why not make some
Cash Money??
If you believe that you have received an unsolicited junk fax, we would like to hear from
you. Contact us today by filling out the short form below and let us review your claim. You may be eligible for compensation under the law from $500 to $1500 per unsolicited fax.

How About
Getting PAID $500 - $1500
Please Report Your Unwanted Junk Fax
Spam & Get Paid Cash For Every Unsolicited
Fax You Receive!
Let's Stop The Fax Spammers In Their
To Report An Unsolicited Junk Fax
Please Fill Out The Form Below
264-0166 AND GET PAID! |
We will investigate your fax spam report
at no charge to you and
we will work to track
down your fax spammer right away.
If we track down your fax spammer, we?ll
contact you ASAP and help you collect CASH MONEY!
Get $500 -
$1500 FOR
Junk Fax Prevention Act of 2005 (S.714)
Well, it passed the House and Senate as of June 28, 2005.
The version that passed is not as bad as it was before the amendment. But in
essence, Congress for the first time in history has legalized the taking of your
property from you without your consent by another person or private entity. As
long as they had a conversation with you sometime in your lifetime, they can
send you junk faxes about ANYTHING until you tell them to stop (after which they
must stop in an unspecified timeframe).
Question: If you could sign up to get ADVERTISEMENTS sent to your fax
machine from companies you do business with, what % of companies would you sign
up with?
Typical answer: "Zero. We do not want to receive faxed ads...period.
If we are interested, we will contact them and request information."
What's you answer? If it's the same as the typical recipient, then read on...
Unfortunately for you, Congress never did the survey and they really have no
interest in doing such a survey since it would expose the hypocrisy behind this
Without any research or data to back it up, Congress simply believes
that almost everyone wants to get those great offers (at their expense!)
that they never asked for from companies they were never expecting to get them
In short, Congress is about to do for junk faxes what they recently did for
spam: Make
it LEGAL as long as a "qualified advertiser" puts an "opt out" notice on the
They call it the Junk Fax Prevention Act, but as you can see from the
bill text and testimony at the link at the bottom of this page, it will do just
the opposite... it will legalize the sending of junk faxes from qualifying advertisers.
They are positioning it as just "restoring the status quo" to what
it was before some recent FCC rule changes. But they are lying about that. In
the original House bill (H.R. REP. 102-317), there was an EBR: "(4) The
term "Unsolicited advertisement" means any material advertising the
commercial availability or quality of any property, goods, or services which is
transmitted to any person (A) without that person's prior express invitation or
permission, or (B) with whom the caller does not have an established business
relationship." But the EBR part was expressly removed before the final bill
was passed in 1991. That is why the courts have always held there isn't an EBR,
no matter what an FCC footnote said.
Sound too hard to believe? Check out this editorial that was run on the day
of the committee meeting that approved the bill: San Jose Mercury News Editorial against
the JFPA (April 14, 2005).
Still not convinced? Well, if this law will actually prevent junk faxes, then
ask yourself this: why is it that nobody who actually enforces the junk fax
law (state attorney generals, law firms, and individuals) supports this bill?
Give up? The answer is because this bill will make the problem worse!
This bill passed out of committee on April 14, 2005 ( and now goes to the Senate floor for a
vote which can happen at any time. It's being
positioned as just "restoring" the status quo when in reality the EBR
exemption is totally new.
Please call both your Senators to object to this bill
immediately (instructions below).
The purpose of this bill is to fix a bad FCC ruling. We agree with the
purpose and the approach.
But in the process of "restoring," they are adding a brand new "exemption" to the TCPA
that was never there before to allow advertisers to legally send you
advertising by fax WITHOUT your prior consent. They thought they had this before
and now 14 years later discovered that they hadn't had it so they want it to
cover themselves even though none of the witnesses that testified at the
committee hearing on this bill have ever been sued (e.g., the person from NAR
with 1.2 million members says they send faxes to member, the members send faxes
to their client, etc. and nobody has ever been sued).
The way they are doing this is to allow unlimited faxing of ads (until you
get sick enough of it to complain and your complaint meets certain requirements)
if you have an
"Existing Business Relationship," but the definition of an EBR is so loose that
it will be trivial for junk faxers to establish an EBR with virtually any
business or consumer. A spammer can establish an EBR with your company just by
visiting your website, calling your phone, or sending an email (provided someone
replies, even an auto-responder). That gives them the right to LEGALLY send
advertising to your fax machine.
Not only that, the current bill creates a never-ending
so they can junkfax you forever until you opt out. So someone who spoke with you
20 years ago can legally send you junk faxes as soon as this bill passes. And, like
spam, once you've
opted out, you've just proven that it's a real fax number and you look at your
faxes...now your number is more valuable to sell to others.
For example, if this bill passes, I can call up my Senator and ask "are you
open today?" If they say "yes", then I can LEGALLY SEND any advertising via fax
to EVERY SINGLE FAX MACHINE in the United States owned by the US government. I
can LEGALLY SEND HUNDREDS OF JUNK FAXES advertising not only my products, but
anyone else's products, to EACH and EVERY fax machine. And there isn't a thing
they can do to stop it except unplug their fax machines. It becomes completely
legal if this bill passes. And if they opt out, I have a friend call and it
starts over again. So even if they opt out of my faxes, they then have to opt
out of my friends faxes. And it continues ad infinitum. You can imagine that
spammers will have a field day with this since now they will be able to spam
I brought this up at the hearing and nobody argued with me!! It's on video (Video of
the committee meeting discussing the junk fax bill). But there were only 2
senators at the hearing: the author and Senator Boxer and only Senator Boxer
(who is opposed to the bill) asked any questions.
FACT: No business needs an EBR exemption to do business.
Can you name one? If you can use the contact link and let us know! Most
businesses either (a) use the fax machine as a request/response mechanism where
someone asks a question by fax or other means and gets a response by fax or
other means or (b) ask the recipients for permission before blasting out
advertising that wasn't requested by the recipient. If they do that, it's
entirely legal and they can send ANYTHING that way. Non-profit membership
organization NFIB once sent out ads promoting an insurance to their members by
fax. They "disguised" it to look like it wasn't an ad so people would
read it. Very sneaky. Did they need to send that by fax? Of course not! They
could have sent those ads by regular US mail at their own expense or asked their
members if they wanted to get sneaky ADVERTISING via fax. Instead, they decided
to save money and send out ads at their member's expense and without their
member's permission. They didn't NEED to do that. It was simply a way to save a
few bucks and get a higher response rate. Of course, for legislative updates
that are sent by fax, these have never been regulated since they are NOT
advertisements! So NFIB is free to communicate with their members on topics
related to their mission and always have been and always will be. Adding an EBR
exemption would allow them to also broadcast advertisements to members fax
machines without their members' consent. Hardly responsible or necessary.
Guidelines for safe faxing
Regardless of which path Congress ultimately decides to take, all businesses
should adopt the following 3 simple guidelines for safe faxing:
Try to avoid sending unsolicited advertisements via fax.
But if you must, and if you aren’t sure if it is legal, just ask for
permission first.
If you don’t have permission to send questionable material by fax, send
the material another way.
Instead of opening a new EBR exemption, we should be talking about
tightening up the TCPA!
In fact, a most people don't want businesses or non-profits sending ANY faxes
(advertising or otherwise) without prior permission or invitation!!! So if we
increased the protection of the TCPA so that it is applicable to ALL material,
instead of just unsolicited ADVERTISING, that might be reasonable to discuss. I
can't think of a single business that couldn't operate under those more
restrictive rules! Can you?
But this bill seeks to do just the oppose: to open up a new loophole to allow
businesses (including unethical businesses and spammers) to legally send you
advertising by fax without your consent.
This is a VERY bad bill.
If you are as outraged at this as I am, you MUST CALL YOUR SENATORS TODAY.
Not tomorrow. Not in a week. RIGHT NOW. You MUST ACT RIGHT NOW.
Do NOT assume someone else will do it and you don't have to. They count the
TOTAL number of calls, not whether one person called. The more people call,
the better. Get your friends to call too if they get junk faxes.
If you care about this bill, you must call.
Step 1: Find your two Senators
go to http://www.senate.gov/index.htm
and select your state from the drop down.
Step 2: Call each one IMMEDIATELY; this only takes 2 minutes of your
Do not wait. The Senate
floor vote could
occur any day. Call each senator at the number
listed. You only have to make TWO phone calls. A staff person will answer the
phone. Say the following:
"My name is john smith and I am a constituent of Senator
xxxxx. I live
in <city name>. I am calling to ask that Senator
<your senators name> vote AGAINST S.714 (the Junk Fax bill) unless the "EBR
exemption" is REMOVED ENTIRELY."
Note: one sentence
is PLENTY. Most offices will just make a tally of whether you are FOR or
AGAINST so if you stay on the line, you aren't doing anybody any favors. The
only thing most offices want to know is whether you are a constituent and
whether you are FOR or AGAINST the bill. That's it.
Your Senator NEEDS to hear from you ASAP, before this goes to the floor. The
business community is VERY well organized and has been lobbying heavily to
restore the right they thought they had to use your fax machine for low-cost mass
advertising. Because no one has called to object, your Senator thinks
consumers want the ads from every business they've ever talk to so that's why
they're adding it to the law.
Step 4: Mail or fax your Senators a letter or just a copy of the San
Jose Mercury editorial
264-0166 AND
Information About Junk Spam Faxes.
The TCPA and Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) rules generally prohibit most
unsolicited junk facsimile (fax spam)
advertisements. The TCPA states that an
advertiser cannot send you unsolicited fax
advertisements unless you have given the
advertiser your prior express consent to receive
fax advertisements or you have an established
business relationship (EBR). Even if the
advertiser has received your prior express
consent or has EBR, they are also required to
allow you to ?opt out? of receiving their
junk fax advertisements. The Junk Fax Prevention
Act of 2005, directed the FCC to amend its rules
adopted pursuant to the TCPA regarding fax
advertising. The FCC?s revised rules:
Require the
sender of fax advertisements to provide
specific information on the fax that
allows recipients to ?opt-out? of any
future faxes from the sender |
Specify the circumstances under
which a request to ?opt-out? complies
with the Act. |